Download Bully Anniversary Edition Apk + Data (MOD)
Download Bully Anniversary Edition (AE) V1.0.0.14 Apk + Data + MOD (Unlimited Money) - Btw, sudah hampir 1 bulan admin gak update blog ini karena waktu itu saya sedang sakit, dan kali ini admin akan mengupdate game terbaru yang sudah direquest dan ditunggu tunggu oleh banyak orang, yaitu game Bully Anniversary Edition untuk Android yang cocok untuk menemani kita di akhir pekan ini. Bully adalah game open world yang dulu biasa kita mainkan di PS 2, dan dengan seiring berjalannya waktu game Bully ini bisa kita mainkan di Wii, Xbox 360, dan PC pada seri Bully Scholarship Edition, nah baru baru ini game Bully Anniversary Edition sudah bisa kita mainkan di iOS dan Android dengan fitur barunya yaitu mode multiplayer "Friend Challenges", untuk gameplay dan alur ceritanya masih sama kok, yaitu menceritakan seorang anak yang bandel (Jimmy Hopkins) yang ditaruh di Bulworth Academy oleh orang tua angkatnya, digame ini kita bisa dibully ataupun membully orang, mengikuti pelajaran, menyelesaikan misi, dan aktivitas seru lainnya, dengan disuguhkan tampilan yang memukau, grafis yang mantab jiwa, dan karakter, objek, bangunan yang realistis. Untuk memainkan game Bully Anniversary Edition yang sudah dirilis dari tanggal 7 desember 2016 ini, kita perlu menggunakan android versi 4.0 keatas, ram 2 gb, dan sisa internal yang mencukupi karena game ini size nya lumayan besar, seperti hp Xiaomi Redmi 2 yg cocok banget untuk memainkan game seperti ini. Owh iya, game ini bisa juga kita mainkan secara online ataupun offline. Game Bully: Anniversary Edition dari developer Rockstar Games yang bergenre Action Game dengan ukuran 2,03 GB ini bisa kita unduh di Google Play Store dengan harga Rp95.000.
Deskripsi Game Bully Anniversary Edition :

The Rockstar Games tradition of groundbreaking, original gameplay and humorous tongue-in-cheek storytelling invades the schoolyard in Bully: Anniversary Edition. As mischievous 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins you’ll navigate the social hierarchy of the corrupt and crumbling prep school, Bullworth Academy. Stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, beat the jocks at dodge ball, play pranks, win or lose the girl and survive a year in the worst school around.
Bully: Anniversary Edition includes everything from the critically acclaimed Bully: Scholarship Edition plus support for high-resolution displays, enhanced graphics, improved lighting and textures, and controls redesigned for touch gameplay, all while adding multiplayer with new Friend Challenges.
Friend Challenges are head-to-head classroom and arcade style mini-games: see who can dissect the frog fastest in Biology, solve word problems in English, help a flying squirrel destroy his enemies with acorns in Nut Shots, and much more.
• Includes the complete Bully story with extra missions, characters, classroom mini-games, and unlockable items from Bully: Scholarship Edition
• Gorgeous graphics: high resolution textures, dynamic lighting, shadows and particle effects
• Native support for high resolution displays
• Challenge your friends anywhere with turn based multiplayer Friend Challenges. Play on the go and get notified when it’s your turn
• Intelligent touch controls with contextual buttons only when you need them
• Seamlessly continue your game across all your devices with cloud saves via the Rockstar Games Social Club
• Physical controller support
Mobile version developed in conjunction with War Drum Studios.
Rockstar Games New York, NY 10012 © 2005-2016 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Bully, and the Rockstar Games R* marks and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or foreign countries. All Rights Reserved.
Use of software subject to license at; online account terms at Violation of EULA, Code of Conduct, or other policies may result in restriction or termination of access to game or online account. For customer& technical support visit
Non-transferable access to special features such as exclusive, unlockable, downloadable or online content, services, or functions may require single-use serial code, additional fee and/or online account registration (13+). Access to special features may require internet connection, may not be available to all users, and may, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, modified, or offered under different terms. For information about online services, fees, restrictions, or additional terms that may apply to this game, please visit
This videogame is fictional; doesn’t depict any actual event/person/entity; & any similarities are coincidental. Take Two doesn’t endorse or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in game. Unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, pay for play, or circumvention of copy protection is strictly prohibited.
Link Download Bully Anniversary Edition Apk + Data (MOD) :
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-NYAMUKKURUS.apk [ TusFiles ]
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-MOD-NYAMUKKURUS.apk [ TusFiles ]
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-NYAMUKKURUS.rar [ TusFiles ]
Deskripsi Game Bully Anniversary Edition :

The Rockstar Games tradition of groundbreaking, original gameplay and humorous tongue-in-cheek storytelling invades the schoolyard in Bully: Anniversary Edition. As mischievous 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins you’ll navigate the social hierarchy of the corrupt and crumbling prep school, Bullworth Academy. Stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, beat the jocks at dodge ball, play pranks, win or lose the girl and survive a year in the worst school around.
Bully: Anniversary Edition includes everything from the critically acclaimed Bully: Scholarship Edition plus support for high-resolution displays, enhanced graphics, improved lighting and textures, and controls redesigned for touch gameplay, all while adding multiplayer with new Friend Challenges.
Friend Challenges are head-to-head classroom and arcade style mini-games: see who can dissect the frog fastest in Biology, solve word problems in English, help a flying squirrel destroy his enemies with acorns in Nut Shots, and much more.
• Includes the complete Bully story with extra missions, characters, classroom mini-games, and unlockable items from Bully: Scholarship Edition
• Gorgeous graphics: high resolution textures, dynamic lighting, shadows and particle effects
• Native support for high resolution displays
• Challenge your friends anywhere with turn based multiplayer Friend Challenges. Play on the go and get notified when it’s your turn
• Intelligent touch controls with contextual buttons only when you need them
• Seamlessly continue your game across all your devices with cloud saves via the Rockstar Games Social Club
• Physical controller support
Mobile version developed in conjunction with War Drum Studios.
Rockstar Games New York, NY 10012 © 2005-2016 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Bully, and the Rockstar Games R* marks and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or foreign countries. All Rights Reserved.
Use of software subject to license at; online account terms at Violation of EULA, Code of Conduct, or other policies may result in restriction or termination of access to game or online account. For customer& technical support visit
Non-transferable access to special features such as exclusive, unlockable, downloadable or online content, services, or functions may require single-use serial code, additional fee and/or online account registration (13+). Access to special features may require internet connection, may not be available to all users, and may, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, modified, or offered under different terms. For information about online services, fees, restrictions, or additional terms that may apply to this game, please visit
This videogame is fictional; doesn’t depict any actual event/person/entity; & any similarities are coincidental. Take Two doesn’t endorse or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in game. Unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, pay for play, or circumvention of copy protection is strictly prohibited.
Link Download Bully Anniversary Edition Apk + Data (MOD) :
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-NYAMUKKURUS.apk [ TusFiles ]
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-MOD-NYAMUKKURUS.apk [ TusFiles ]
Download Bully-Anniversary-Edition-v1.0.0.14-NYAMUKKURUS.rar [ TusFiles ]
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